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Light Jade Tumblestone
✨Light Green Jade✨Chakras: Heart Element: Earth Vibration: 11 Zodiac: Aires, Gemini, Libra, Taurus Healing Properties: Helps one quickly attract love and prosperity. It’s energy is so strong that one is said to...
Jet Tumblestone
✨Jet✨Chakras: Root Element: Earth Vibration: 8 Zodiac: Capricorn Healing Properties: A high vibrational stone of grounding and protection. Ask as a gentle companion for anyone healing from trauma or depression. Provides pain...
Lepidolite Cubes
✨Lepidolite✨Chakras: Third Eye, Heart, Crown Element: Water Vibration: 8 Zodiac: Libra, Pisces Healing Properties: An excellent stone for stabilizing emotions as it contains a high amount of natural lithium which is used in many...
Blue Tigers Eye Cubed Stone
✨Blue Tigers Eye✨Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus Element: Earth, Fire Vibration: 4 Zodiac: Leo, Capricorn Healing Properties: Enhances focused and willpower, giving one the courage to step out of their comfort...
Mookaite Tumbled
✨Mookaite✨Chakras: Solar Plexus, Root Element: Fire, Earth Vibration: 5 Zodiac: Leo Healing Properties: Improves the general health of the body, strengthens the immune system, and is supportive during times of stress....
Crazy Lace Agate Cube
✨Crazy Lace Agate✨Chakras: Third Eye, Crown Element: Earth Vibration: 7 Zodiac: Gemini Healing Properties: An uplifting stone that is recommended to be worn by anyone consciously working to shift their thought...
Serpentine Tumblestone
✨Serpentine✨Chakras: All Element: Earth Vibration: 8 Zodiac: All Healing Properties: One of the best stones for stimulating the kundalini energies. Place this stone on the meridian points to clear blockages...
Pink Zebra Jasper Tumblestone
✨Pink Zebra Jasper✨Chakras: Root Element: Earth Vibration: 11 Zodiac: Gemini, Taurus Healing Properties: Emotional balance and contentment. It’s black and white stripes tonight again and yang energy, and deeply connect one of the energies...
Terahertz Tumbled
✨Terahertz✨Chakras: Root Element: Earth Vibration: 9 Zodiac: All Healing Properties: A man-made stone that admits far infrared and negative ion energy. The far infrared energy helps promote metabolism, improve blood circulation,...
Prehnite Cubed Stones
✨Prehnite✨Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus Element: Water, Earth Vibration: 5 Zodiac: Capricorn, Libra Healing Properties: Encourages one to have faith in the universe and trust in the divine timing of their...
Citrine Cubed Stones
✨Citrine✨Chakras: Root, Sacral Element: Fire Vibration: 6 Zodiac: Aires, Leo, Libra Healing Properties: The joyful and uplifting energy as a possesses healing properties of the sun. Hope someone look to the...